What does Ashely Madison, Victoria Milan, Seeking, Gleeden and several other websites have in common? Each one is built and functions as a way to facilitate affairs. Let that sink in. It helps married couples cheat. Not only are these websites a major privacy risks (Ashley Madison was hacked and it was found there was only one zip code from the ENTIRE U.S. that an account was not made), but worse it is an absolute violation and affront to the commands, nature, and holiness of God Himself and His command of purity, integrity, and design of marriage.

Do not be alarmed that these sites exist. What we find in Proverbs 5, this was something that has been going back to the fall. Proverbs 5 is a call to faithfulness to your spouse. Let us break down the chapter so we can see where we are going. Today, Proverbs 5:1-6, describes an immoral woman. Proverbs 5:7-8 is the command on what to do. Proverbs 5:9-14 is the result of failing to follow Proverbs 5:7-8. Proverbs 5:15-20 is the call to be satisfied with your own wife. Finally, Proverbs 5:21-23 is the warning that everything done is being watched by God, and the death for those who do not listen. As we begin our study, we are going to describe the immoral woman and draw the application. As we begin, I wish to glance over the key words we have already covered and would encourage everyone to go back and read those blog posts as you desire.

Proverbs 5:1:

Attention – Proverbs 1:24; 2:2; 4:1, 20

Wisdom – Proverbs 1:2, 7; 2:2, 6, 10; 3:13, 19; 4:5, 7, 11.

Lend – Proverbs 1:24; 2:2; 4:5, 20, 27

Ear – Proverbs 2:2; 4:20

Understanding – Proverbs 2:2-3, 6, 11; 3:13, 19


Proverbs 5:2

Preserve – Proverbs 2:8, 11, 20; 3:26; 4:4, 6, 21

Discretion – Proverbs 1:4; 2:11; 3:21

Lips – Proverbs 4:24

Knowledge – Proverbs 1:4, 7, 22, 29; 2:5-6, 10; 3:20


Proverbs 5:5

Feet – Proverbs 1:15-16; 3:23, 26; 4:26-27

steps – Proverbs 4:12


Proverbs 5:6

Ponder - Proverbs 4:26

Path – Proverbs 1:19; 2:8, 13, 15, 19, 20; 3:6; 4:14, 18

ways – Proverbs 2:9, 15, 18; 4:11; 4:26

We will not spend a lot of time looking at these words, but we are going to delve into what Solomon is telling his son. From that have a powerful lesson that will fly in the face of much of our sexual revolution today.

We start off in Proverbs 5:1. Solomon calls for his son to pay attention to his wisdom, and lend his ear to his understanding. The end goal is found in Proverbs 5:2 that his discretion is preserved and his lips will keep knowledge.

Discretion, as we have discussed is something that is missing today in many people. It used to be the older one would get, the wiser one would get. It seems today the older one gets, the more ignorant they seem to be. It also true that facts and truth are based on feelings, and emotions. The desire is to live in ignorance if that ignorance supports their echo chamber. I do not blame everyone for this as I place some blame on our educational system. Some are unfortunately trapped by it into being taught what to think but not how to think, but there is enough blame because we are not incapable of rising above that and actually learn. This is why discretion is important. It takes someone from that point to a new frame of reference where they are able to make logical and reasonable conclusions. Those conclusions, if done rightly could re-inforce previous positions, or it could move them from where they are to where they should be. Many are not willing, for it requires them to admit they may be wrong. Discretion helps to perceive and understand what is going on around them. We talked a lot about this already.

The second reason, based on Proverbs 5:2, is for the lips to keep knowledge. Solomon gives a description of this immoral woman. And it is one that is pretty bad. Notice it starts off with the lips. It is interesting that Proverbs 5:3 lips keep knowledge, except for the ones who are drawn away by the lips of an immoral woman. Notice what these lips do. Instead of dripping knowledge, they drip honey.

The reality is that the lips are often adorned with much makeup and lipstick to be an attractant and to draw in a man. Then the words are soft, tender, smooth, and seductive. This is the sweetness that is being discussed here. But this is a contrast from Proverbs 5:2. The lip of knowledge is that discretion, that wisdom, that knowledge. The lips of an immoral woman is emotion, feelings, trappings. Followed up with the reality that her mouth is smoother than oil.

It flows sweetly. It is tempting. It is luring. This woman is the very image of what men lust for. These kind of pictures and images are what drive the porn industry, the prostitutes, the adult bars and lounges. This sweet, emotionally charged, and sexually seductive lure. And it works for men. So much so that porn (now affecting almost half, if not a little over of females) now is worth 97 BILLION dollars.

That is more than some nations GDP. All for the pursuit of the lust of the flesh (1 John 2:16). There are case after case studies that shows the male mind, when bombarded with these images and this industry, releases a chemical that encourages repeat exposure. It has been said that the porn industry is more addictive than the most addictive narcotic in the world, and it is faster at causing addiction.

Of course, this leads into further study that shows the damage that porn does to men, women, and families. It is confirmed how much destruction is done to those in the industry, it confirms sexual crimes rise when porn is consumed. We will not go through all of these statistics for that takes us away from the text. It is very sad statistics. We have not even gone into the discussion of the adult clubs, prostitutes on the street, rape, child sex trade, and the degeneracy that envelops and destroys both the consumer and the provider. Sadly, some of these women in this industry are trapped, and dear believer, we must pray for them.

Even in this passage notice this woman is not called a lady. Any woman who willingly puts herself into this exploitation and temptations are not ladies. This is a misnomer and we must, as believers, be careful we do not encourage, or elevate this behavior. Does this mean we are disrespectful? Absolutely not, however there is a difference between a lady and a woman. Solomon is drawing this difference as we see in the Scripture. And this is where we pick up in Proverbs 5:4-5.

What looks sweet at first, what moves the emotions and the good feeling chemicals. Notice what Proverbs 5:4 says. It starts out sweet and so good. But it ends as wormwood. What is wormwood? Wormwood is only used 8 times in the Old Testament and look at how it is used.

Deuteronomy 29:18; Lamentations 3:15, 19 – It is equated to bitterness, grief, and sadness

Here in Proverbs 5:4

Jeremiah 9:15 – The false prophets will be feed Wormwood

Amos 5:7; 6:12 – It is contrary to true justice and righteousness

We find it has been described as bitterness, gall, sorrow, grief, and calamities. Some even say it is poison based on Revelation 8:11. There is nothing good that comes from this woman. She is as bitter as wormwood, and worse than that, the Scripture says she is sharp as a two-edged sword. This is important to understand. A double edged sword has two sharp edges. The risk comes that when cutting with one edge, it slices with the other.

This woman will be like this. She will be cutting and hurtful, not only to those who are opposed to her, but she will be just as cutting to those who are in her bed with her. There is no peace. What is interesting is the Hebrew word for “double edged”. It is translated as mouth, speech, words. This woman has a mouth and speech that is exactly what we were saying. There is no peace. The Bible talks a lot about this in greater detail in Proverbs 6:24-35 and we will cover more of this when we get to this text, but look at the description and warnings found in this text. Those who follow after her are depicted in Proverbs 7:22-23.

Then comes Proverbs 5:5. Notice where she leads. Death and hell. This strikes us of how those who follow after her end up there in Proverbs 9:18. Some readers may be thinking,

Jonathan, I am a Christian. Therefore, I am freed from this.

Sadly, many Christians are trapped by this sexual sin. In the eyes and mind of Christians, sin is sin. One is not over the other and we should not treat them as such. However, God does view sins differently. The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write what He does in 1 Corinthians 6:18 (We can also see Romasn 1:24; and 1 Thessalonians 4:5 to see there is a deeper issue with sexual immorality). Sexual immorality carries with it a higher level of consequences, and many Christians who are trapped by that sweet honey dripping lips will stand before God at the Judgment seat of Christ (Bema Seat) 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. Those who participate in adultery will not be innocent Proverbs 6:29; Leviticus 15:21.

This woman is not given any indication of whether she is married or not. Either way, she is pursuing after any man she can, married or not. The Bible tells us, Proverbs 23:27-28, she is a well, a deep pit. Ask any family who’s wife or husband ran around on them. Ask how they feel, especially when there is another child that comes from this sinful, physical union? These individuals are in a well. They are led to death. They not only risk losing their family, but their name, testimony, and in some cases their job. They are trapped but it goes beyond just that:

1. Their is shame of the betrayed spouse.

2. Their is shame of having children from two different unions.

3. The financial stress of now caring for another child, and who knows how this other woman will use or abuse the courts to draw more money.

4. The shame and stereotype of being a cheater.

5. The knowledge and permenant scar that comes from what was done to our spouse.

6. The permenant scar on the one we betrayed.

7. Most importantly and devastating, our direct rebellion to God and bringing blaspheme on His name.

Worth the few minutes or short period of sneaking, hiding, and forbidden thrills? Absolutely not.

This is why it is important to really read Proverbs 23:28. Do not be trapped, dear beloved, by this woman, whether this is a literal, physical woman you may meet, or a digital woman that is viewed online. Both lead to death. This is hard, especially for men who are visually stimulated. We MUST run from this woman. More will be spoken on this when we, Lord willing, cover Proverbs 5:15-23.

Proverbs 5:6 tells us to ponder her path of life (and this is not a life we want to follow or be part of). If we ponder (use discretion from Proverbs 5:2), it will be seen her ways are unstable (trembled, uneasy, wander, swaying, moving, etc.). Have you tried to walk on a boat in the midst of rough seas? Walking from the bow to the stern is a chore and if it is a smaller boat, there is a chance to go overboard.

This is that woman. There can be no navigation or safe handling. Run and run fast. The Bible gives us great advice. First, Proverbs 5:15-20, in a few weeks, Lord willing. In the New Testament, we find in 1 Corinthians 7:2 for the call of each husband to have his own wife. Dear lovely wife, have your own husband. Do not be the woman of Proverbs 5:1-6. Both husband and wife do not wander from one place to another. It is a sin and will bring judgment.

Through 1 Corinthians 10:8, we are commanded to not commit sexual immorality. Then there is a reference to 23,000 dying! This is a reference to Numbers 25:1-9. The people committed harlotry with the women of Moab. This harlotry brought judgment.

We could develop this more from Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:4; 1 Timothy 6:11. Each passage calls for all believers to put aside the fleshly sin and to flee from it. To run from the wickedness and evilness of sexual immorality. We are saved by Jesus Christ and are slaves to righteousness and not sin. We would be wise, perhaps even physically, to follow the leading of Joseph (Genesis 39:7-12. More specifically Genesis 39:12). Oh that our testimony will be that of Moses! He had everything at his fingertips. He could have had any woman, any pleasure, ANYTHING. Hebrews 11:25 tells us he would rather have. Too many Christians linger close to this sin. Run and run fast. The only way this is possible is if we are led by the Spirit - Galatians 5:16.

I wish to cover a few things:

First, notice the whole text is talking to men to watch the women. This is because God created men to be visually and audibly stimulated. Ladies, you are designed to be more emotionally and mentally stimulated. It would not have the same effect to have a man whose lips drip honey. Therefore, ladies, be careful how you present yourself. Be the lady God designed and created you to be. The Brethren emphasis a simplistic dress and adornment for they look such passages as 1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; Proverbs 31:30-31. Does this mean, ladies, that you are never to adorn yourself, or to dress up? As a husband and a man, ABSOLUTELY NOT! While we are not delving into per-marital counseling, I encourage ladies to look good, but look good FOR THEIR HUSBANDS ONLY! Do not try to attract any other attention.

Second, men, if you want your wife to be someone you want to be with, you need to be someone your wife wants to look good for and be with! I encourage the men to treat their wives/future wives with respect, love, and devotion. Stay home. Do not wander. Be the Godly men and husbands God calls for you to be in Ephesians. Listen to 1 Corinthians 10:8. Read Proverbs 5:15-23. Do not be deceived and lead away to destruction by deceiving lips.

Third, who is Solomon that he has the right to say this? Solomon was given great wisdom, more than anyone ever (1 Kings 3:3-15; 2 Chronicles 1:2-13). Did Solomon use this wisdom correctly? Sadly, no. 1 Kings 11:1-13 shows he married all kinds of women (700 wives and 300 concubines or mistresses), was led astray, and God judged him for this. This is why he says in Ecclesiastes that pleasure and many children did not bring satisfaction (Ecclesiastes 2:1-3; 6:3-6). Not only should we listen to the Word of God as it is inspired by God and given to us by Him, but we also should listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and learn from the failure in his own life!

Please know I am not picking on ladies and women only. Ladies, there is just as much porn for you as there are for the men. It will look different, and come across different, but it is porn non the less. Porn for men will cause their eyes to wander from his wife. He will judge his wife based on the unrealistic images from what he sees. Ladies, your porn will cause you to look at your husband and desire an unrealistic emotional connection that you may not be feeling with him. While men may see the porn and looks of a woman, a lady will see her husband sitting on the couch and dribbling Cheetos crumbs on his gut and wonder why he is not talking with her or helping clean the house like she read or engaged with elsewhere. I am not picking on one gender or the other. The risk is there for both.

The call is for each of you to be satisfied with your own spouse. Have your own spouse, knowing that you belong, not to yourself, but to each other (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). We will save much of this for when we come to Proverbs 5:15-20.

My encouragement and plea for both men and women is to flea the filth of sexual immorality that is so prevalent in our society. Do not be trapped by it. If you are trapped, find help. There is healing and you can be free from the sexual bondage of pornography. It is not a harmless sin, but damning in the eyes of God. It changes women into objects, men into weaklings. It changes the design and gift of sex that God gave to husbands and wives and pollutes it with degeneracy. Any Christian, no matter how little they are involved with it, supports this industry by participating with it. No nation that allows, or promotes sexual immorality or promiscutiy (which the USA is doing) has survived. It decays the nation and society and it destroys from within. Eventually the nation is conquered from without. It is a lie to say it is harmless or just entertainment. We, as Christians, should be different. Men, do not be lured by these women who lead to death. Ladies, do not be lured by these men who are empty. God gave you your husband, wife. God gave your wife, husband. Be the difference the world needs. Let your marriage show the truth of the Scriptures and the sanctity of marriage itself. That will be a strong testimony to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are we perfect? Absolutely not. But we have grace and mercy for each other to fulfill what He has called us to do and be.