We now change our focus to Proverbs 4:18-19. These two verses, in stark contrast to what was covered about the evil and wicked, shows how both walk and what it is like. There are two words that jump out at us immediately, or it should. The first word is the word path, and the second is the word just. Both carry strong significance to our understanding.

The word for path is found some 59 times throughout the Old Testament. For the sake of brevity, we will focus only on Proverbs usage. We find it translated as:

1. ways – Proverbs 1:19; 2:15

2. paths – Proverbs 2:8, 13, 19-20; 3:6; 4:14

It is also in the singular as way and path throughout the book itself. There are some interesting words translated from this such as ranks, traveling, race, traveler, caravan, byways, highways, and age. Each dictating a singular motion in a forward direction. The path that is being walked is the path. Now, couple that with what was covered before, and we see there are two paths before us as the reader. The first is what this verse does in Proverbs 4:18.

It draws a comparison from what was done to what was just said. The path of the just. What is just? This word is used 206 times in the Old Testament. Predominately it means righteous at 173 times. The next closes word is the word just at 27. The word references those who are in a proper standing with God and in accordance with His standard.

The world does not want this. The wicked does not want this. The evil does not want this. What is wanted is their standard. Their way of living. Their way of existing. The whole focus and point is they will be able to say if they are right or not. God’s standards are not absolute and therefore not acceptable.

But the paths of the just is described as shining like the sun. It is bright, clear, and visible. The just walk on this path. But there are some powerful concepts throughout Scripture.

In Job 11:14-15, Job is told that if he would put away iniquity (think evil), and wickedness not be part of the home or life, then Job 11:15 would be true and Job would be lifted up! While we know this friend of Job is not right, there is a truth here that can not be avoided. Iniquity and wickedness must be put away in order to find the point of being just. That leads us to Job’s response in Job 23:10. Job said that while he cannot see God (Job 23:9), when he (being Job), is tested, he is going to be found to be right and he will come forth as gold. This does not happen when there is sin of any sort.

Then we turn to Hosea. In Hosea 6:1-3, there is a call to repentance. A return to God. But notice what happens from the repentance of sin to the righteousness...Hosea 6:3, God will return. The question we must ask is,

How does that filter to us?

Great question. We find the concept that we are to be holy, pure, and righteous before God, for we are saved by Him. What does He say about us in Matthew 5:14, 16? We also find our calling in Philippians 2:15. The call is for us to be just. By doing so, we will be walking on the path that is bright as the sun because it is the path that Jesus is on. He is the light of the World. But it isn’t just that it is bright. Notice what it says in Proverbs 4:18. It shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. As we walk this path, we are going to see more and more clearly. This takes us back to using wisdom in Proverbs 4:10-13. As we walk in the just and right path, we will see the evil more and more and we will be able to avoid and run from it at every point. It will keep growing brighter till we finally arrive to the perfect day. When is this? Revelation 21:23; 22:5 both tell us.

But now we change focus. The call is to avoid the paths of the wicked and evil. Those who do will find themselves walking in the light. But what about those who do not? We are called, in our lives, to avoid. And failure to do so brings about Proverbs 4:19.

Unlike the lighted path, theirs is darkness. Many of you, my readers, probably have experienced this before. It is about 0 dark 30, and it is time to get that drink of water. Of course, the goal is to do it without waking up the family, so no lights. Walking down the hall, we step on the one thing that kills us immediately: A Lego (ok, so maybe it won’t kill us, but I think a marketing ploy of Lego should be, “Now made sharper than ever!”) That of course causes us to do a wonderful little dance of, “NO MORE TOYS FOR THE KIDS” shuffle. When that calms down, we start the walk, albeit slower, down the hall only to face, the door jamb. But we do not face it with our face. No. Even our hands would be a welcomed change. No. Our little toe takes the full force of our step.

Now we are doing another dance titled, “I AM TAKING THAT WALL OUT!” shake down. By this time, it has been loud enough, especially as we are dancing this little tunes, we are hitting walls, and other furniture. If we have children, they may be up. Our spouses, after the initially startling from the noise, may or may not be laughing (more than likely they are after they wake up), and now lights are on anyway, hence we know what we stepped on and hit.

Or is that just me? I digress. The issue comes, when we look at how we are to walk, failure to avoid the evil and wicked, we will find ourselves walking in the dark. We will hit everything and yet, unlike the light that turns on in the hall, there will never be a light. Notice what Proverbs 4:19 says.

They do not know what makes them stumble. It is that stepping on a toy or hitting an unmovable object, only to never see what it is. But from those events, spiraling forward as we bounce from one object to another, hitting any and everything that is in the path. No light. No ability to see. The wicked and evil has blinded the vision as one verse makes this statement of reality.

2 Corinthians 4:4. The gospel, though being preached (2 Corinthians 4:3), is veiled because those who are hearing are perishing. They are perishing (2 Corinthians 4:4) because the god of this age is blinding those who are perishing, so as to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel. Why? Romans 1:18-32 spells this out powerfully.

Therefore, they are blinded and have no light. As such, they stumble. Let us look at stumbling quickly and keep it to Proverbs (it is used 63 times throughout the Old Testament).

In Proverbs 4:12, those who run will not “stumble”.

Proverbs 4:16 – They cannot sleep until someone “falls”.

Not the people to be part of. But this stumbling also has the idea of being overthrown, to be feeble, ruin. Yet, even when this happens, they will not see. One moment they believe they are in control (Proverbs 4:14-17), and then their destruction will come upon them! What is the response? They will have no idea how or why. This is why we find the sad and pitiful actions of those spoken about in Psalm 2:1-3. They think they are in control. And for a short period of time, they seem to be. Read further in Psalm 2:4-9. That is why there is a call to the people of earth to heed in Psalm 2:10-12. How many will? Sadly, very few. They are in the darkness and will fall.

Let us return, however, to we who are believers. If we have the wisdom of God as talked about in Proverbs 4:10-13, this will not be us. Instead, we will realize the truth of the Scriptures, and will fall on our face before God, seeking His righteousness and light. Then we will walk.

We will walk on the lighted path that is laid before us. We will see this path because we have the Word of God as said in Psalm 119:105. Notice that verse. The light and path. For believers, there are many prayers and calls we can have as our own prayers.

Psalm 18:28 – God will enlighten the darkness.

Psalm 43:3, there is a prayer for light and truth to the holy hill.

Proverbs 6:23 – there is a lamp and light for us found in the commandment and law.

2 Peter 1:19 – The prophetic word confirmed is a light (which we find this word in the Word of God).

And we could duplicate this with Psalm 19:7; 119:130; Proverbs 2:9, etc.

But heed, very closely, Ecclesiastes 2:13. Solomon, who wrote much of Proverbs, comes to the truth of the wisdom that is laid down for us, even today.

So, believer, how are you walking? Is it in the light? If we are avoiding the evil and wicked, as we have seen, then it will be in the light and we will see more and more their evil. If not, we will continue forward until that day we will stand in judgment. We only have one choice.