Proverbs 8:15-16 gives us several leaders and how they interact with wisdom. Remember all that was said in Proverbs 8:12-14, and now the application to leaders. In our text, there are kings, rulers, princes, and judges. Today, we have these, and how sorely lacking is wisdom in our leadership in our nation. Wisdom, has been defined, and it is encouraged to look back to see this played out. Look at what these groups are.

Kings would be representative of the civil leader. Unlike our day, these rulers were either put into place because they conquered the previous king, through the family, or through agreements and alliances with other nations. This king had final and full sway over the entire nation and people. This brought out, mostly, the worst in the individual, but at times, there were some who were better. Wisdom is now making a statement that is profound. The king will either rise or fall in regards to how they use wisdom.

Think of some of the kings of the Old Testament. For one, Belshazzar. Wisdom would say to not make a mockery of the things of God. Yet, he calls for the Temple items to be brought out for the feast. That night, he is killed and the nation is overthrown. Other kings, Solomon, used wisdom to rule rightly for most of his reign. When he abandoned wisdom, his kingdom went downhill and eventually split into Northern and Southern kingdom. Wisdom was ignored to their detriment.

In our nation, we do not have “kings” although we are finding a move more to a political and social elite class. Still, wisdom is calling for them. Looking at our leadership today (2024) how sad to see our government leaders, from the president down ignore wisdom. They pursue and support the very things the Bible condemns in their political and social bills and laws. Abortion, crime, illegal activities, and the supporting and promoting of sinful lifestyles and habits. Then, to watch as the self implosion and the mockery they make of their position, it is a shame and cringe worthy for us who are under them. But wisdom does not just fit for leaders. What is worse is how many actually support these people in their present state and positions. Wisdom is surely lacking.

We have rulers, princes, and nobles. I am putting them all together because they are the ones who are under the king. They are responsible for the operation of the government, helping to keep the empire running, and making sure the laws are in place. We find them in Judges 5:3; Habakkuk 1:10, and finally in Proverbs 14:28. These are the ones who have judicial command. In a figurative sense, they are to be honorable. What happens when wisdom is ignored by them? They even believe they can attack God Himself (Psalm 2:2). Of course, wisdom will also dictate the ending of this foolishness when we find Psalm Psalm 2:4-5 and Isaiah 40:23. The recommendation and application is found in Proverbs 2:10-12. Rulers set themselves up and we find throughout Scripture how they make decisions that are contrary to wisdom.

Today we have Capital Hill. Surely, our Senate and House of Representatives have wisdom, right? For some, yes. But they are very, very few. Majority, no. Some examples: The financial Crimes Enforcement Network has instructed banks to report on any Bibles or religious books purchases. If you do, you possibly could be put on a watch list for “extremism” (as a fun exercise, look at who controls that agency). Disagree with school boards, well, their answer is to send the long arm of government agencies after you. In Minnesota, there is going to be a ban (as of right now) of Christians, Muslims, and Jewish teachers in the public schools. They are restricting them because of their position on human sexuality, and identity (Here is a news article). Wisdom? First, do they not know the purpose and reason for public education? It is not what is taught today (do a small historical jaunt through what is called the Old Deluder Satan Act). What's more, take a small glance at who the governor is, and what he is doing now. Truly wisdom should be had but is not. In Arizona, a woman who criticized the local government is now arrested. This is still a case in progress but, this is an example of the first amendment being ignored. I have not even gotten to the second through the tenth amendments yet! When true crime is done, or should be hunted down, these same people turn a blind eye, make excuses, or at worst, a small slap on the wrist, if you are part of the special class. Who is fooling who? Still, many in our society, lacking wisdom, support and put them in power to do these things through their vote. Really, the whole book of wisdom is being ignored by many. 

Then we have judges. The judges are those who have the legal responsibility to enforce laws that are on the books. This is hard to track down as it has multiple uses in Scripture. It can be as a ruler (Numbers 18:22-28), having eminence in a case (Psalm 72:2-4), a civil officer (1 Samuel 24:15), God is the judge of the world (Psalm 96:13), etc. So to narrow this down from Scripture can be a little difficult. Couple that with the notion of many in the Old Testament, that while they recognize laws, they also did not believe those laws were over them as much as they were in submission to the judge himself. A judge then had a lot of authority, but without wisdom, this judge is going to make choices and decisions that will impact the nation.

Today, our judges that sit in the courts are like this. And how do they rule? In many places, they make laws and arbitrarily establish laws that not only fly in the face of our Constitution of the US, but they also arbitrarily override that which would be good and we as Christians would consider good. These judges make decisions then, not based on what is wisdom and good and in the law, but they make decisions on what their own personal preferences, but now, what their party affiliation expects. Is this wisdom? It makes a mockery of law, order, decency, and truth, and then turns the power of the state against those who wish to practice these things (for more on this, look at the work done by the Christian Law Association, the Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Action But what is sad, the people responsible for putting them into their places (the kings mentioned above) are also supported by many who lack wisdom to see what is happening. Very sad.

But if this is the negative, what is the positive? For that, we will look, next week, at Proverbs 8:17-21.