We are now coming to the application. In Proverbs 7:24-27, Solomon is giving us the final instruction and it is worth noting for us as well. We start by looking at Proverbs 7:24 and there is a call to listen and pay attention. These two words, while different, arrest the reader’s attention, or should. The first word, listen, is a call to hear, or to hear with attention or interest. This is meant to be an effective hearing. Not just listening to get through, but a listening to obey what is being said. This takes us back to Proverbs 1:5, and the way to know if someone is wise or not. Same word used in the word hear. Then we find the words pay attention. It flows in similar meaning from before, but why would Solomon use two different words for the same goal?

Have you tried to talk to a 5 year old that just drank a gallon of Coke, ate a 5 lb bar of chocolate, and just woke up from the nap? How many times do you have to say, “Please listen and pay attention!”? Same idea. The difference being on the intent. While the first has the idea of hearing, and puts more emphases on the hearing part with the intention to obey. This word has more emphases on the obeying part in relation to the hearing. Solomon is doubling down on both sides to make sure his son, and we the reader, hear and obey what he is about to say. This word, unlike the other, is only used forty-five times in the Old Testament. We have seen the failure of this listening in Proverbs 1:24 when no one regarded the outstretched hand.

Therefore, we as the listeners need to listen to obey completely what the advice is given. There are several parts to this advice. The first affects the heart, the second affects the body, the third affects the mental, emotional, physical state, and the third is the end result. Each one is a full study, but we will cover just the general. First, the heart. We have said, going through Proverbs, the heart is the control center. It is from the heart that decisions are made, and the body is led. This is no difference. Solomon says to not let the heart turn aside to her. How many men have let their heart do the thinking for them? How many have pursued after the good looks, the sweet smells, the smile with the dimpled cheeks? How many have chased after the tight dresses, and the long legs? This is the lust of the eyes. The eye is only seeing the immediate. Through this text, we have been given a picture of what is going on in the deeper parts of the heart.

It would be unwise to allow the heart, which the Bible says is deceitfully wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). If we cannot know it, and we are given the warning from God, through the Holy Spirit, in the Word, and He KNOWS our hearts (Psalm 44:21), we would be very unwise to ignore the warnings given to us. Do not allow the eyes to draw away. But it is not just the eyes. It is also the body. Look at the call to not go aside to her way or stray to her paths. Keep your body away from her way and direction. This warning can be duplicated many times through Proverbs (Proverbs 4:14-15; Proverbs 5:8; Proverbs 6:25). But we also are told to be on guard for our heart in just the mental way. This warning is being given to us from Jesus in Matthew 5:28. Just by looking and imagining, we have already committed adultery. This is very hard for men, but the reality and truth of the Scripture is over our opinion. Do not go after her or even step in her path. It will bring destruction. How?

Destruction to the mental, emotional, physical, and social stature. Look at what the Scripture says in Proverbs 7:26. Those who go after her are not the first ones, and sadly, may not be the last ones. She has already cast down many wounded. An interesting meaning is that she lets them drop or causes them to fail. That moment of excitement and thrill will lead to destruction (which we have talked a lot about with STD’s and shame), but the man who goes after her is just one more victory in the conquest. He means nothing and what happens to him means nothing to her. He is just used and left. Of course the wounding that can come in many forms in physical, mental, material, social, and most definitely spiritual, suffer.

The last one is found in Proverbs 7:27. Her way leads to hell and death. There is no escaping it. It is foolish to allow the physical one night event bring death and hell into the life. But going further, notice how this woman plays on this young man. She looks good, she sounds good. She has a lot going for her. She makes him feel special. Do we see a pattern? We should. Let us start with the patter in Genesis 3:6. Notice the fruit looked good. It provided food. And there was a desire and a lifting up of pride. See it? How about one more? 1 John 2:16 tells us the format. Is it painfully obvious looking at 1 John 2:16 and Proverbs 7:7-23 where this woman is operating from? It is from the world. The believer is not to be led by the world but by the Spirit of God. We do not want to fulfill the lust of the flesh but the only way we can do that is by walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). How are we walking as Christians? Is it in the flesh or the Spirit? We must be on guard because even something, men, as tempting as a woman who we are not married to, can be used by Satan to destroy us. That brings a reproach on the name of Christ and we will have major issues in our life and home. Worst yet, we will violate the commands of God, and we will find ourselves standing against the holiness of God.

Therefore, young men, do not be foolish as this young man. Keep yourself pure and away from the temptation. Walk in the Spirit so you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Then God will be pleased and you will be safe.