Proverbs 8:1 We are now back to wisdom making a call. We have found, throughout the beginning of Proverbs, the call to wisdom. We also find that understanding lifting up her voice as well. Both of these concepts have been dealt with before so we will not be repeating the information here (e.g. Proverbs 1:20-21). In our text, we find this call being done but what we find in Proverbs 8:2-3 is where this call is being done. There is an equivalent verse to part of this text, and we find that in Proverbs 9:3. Again, the call is from the highest places of the city, or in our text on top of the high hill. But we also find it is at the intersection of where the paths meet. The point in both of these texts is obvious. Wisdom and understanding are not hiding their knowledge or limiting it into a low tone, hidden in the darkest parts of the house. It is, at the point where all who are traveling will come to the intersection where all must pass through. The fact it is an intersection shows that this is for the general public. As we progress, it is also by the gates of the city. Why is this important?

Unlike the intersection which is for the public, the image of this place is twofold. First is the entrance to the city itself. This is for the those who are at their domicile, not just for those who are traveling. Second the city gates were also where city government and authority meets. Wisdom and understanding is meant to be practiced and practical in leadership and governmental positions and place. From the lowest the highest places, all should have this wisdom and understanding. It is the only way life and leadership can function properly.

In Proverbs 8:4-5, the call is now going out to the men and their sons and the simple ones. Again, there are two groups here. Those who are older, those who are younger, and finally those who are naive. Wisdom and understanding is for everyone. But going further, notice the call is to understand prudence. This prudence is the heart, the inner working, the deeper part of who we are as mankind. The naive are to move from this place of ignorance to wisdom. Not stay as they are. Fools are also addressed to come to an understanding heart as well. Much of what is being said, we have covered before so we will not dwell too long on many of these words today.

Proverbs 8:6 we come now to what wisdom and understanding want to talk about. This is the wisdom and understanding Solomon is writing about (Proverbs 22:20), and it is one that all should heed. These are both excellent and right things. The word for excellent only shows up twice in Proverbs. The first time is here. What is this excellent things? Excellent is that which is a leader, or in charge. Often a king, prince, ruler, captain, etc. But it also is the things that go with that position! It is used 44 times in the Old Testament, and is worth seeing the value placed on this teaching that is going to be given. How many view wisdom and understanding as something small and insignificant and then miss the greater things because of that view? I dare say many. Then we find the right things. We have covered this in texts such as Proverbs 1:3 and Proverbs 2:9. These are the things that are right, even, level, smoothing. It is only used 19 times in the Old Testament.

Why are these things important? It is because wisdom and understanding draw a contrast between what they speak and what is abhorrent to them. For this we turn to Proverbs 8:7. Truth is spoken, not wickedness. Wickedness is an abomination or that which is unclean, wicked, etc. This wickedness that is not spoken, is equivalent to the perverse person in Proverbs 3:32. This should tell us how distasteful this wickedness is. In contrast, Proverbs 8:8-9, all the words spoken here are going to be righteous, straight, clean, plain (to those who have understanding), and right (to those who find knowledge). Do we see the connection between this kind of wisdom and the wisdom that comes from knowledge and understanding? This takes us back to Proverbs 8:1. Wisdom and understanding should be these things. The other fascinating word here is the plain word. There are some who make truth so convoluted that those who just want to hear truth are twisted around. Wisdom and understanding should be available to all. There is no hidden truth, no secret path, and no requirement to be part of any secret organization to obtain this truth. It is for everyone.

There is a responsibility for us who are the listeners. Proverbs 8:10. We are to receive this instruction rather than silver and gold. The reason is because wisdom is better than rubies, and there is absolutely nothing worth as much as what she is offering to us. Again, much of the meaning here has been covered, but the lesson is still for us. We must pay attention and desire the truth because it is more valuable than anything we could ever desire.

This knowledge and understanding is impossible to buy with money (Job 28:15) for, as we have learned before, it is above all value of money (Proverbs 3:14-15). But we are not to only want a little of this wisdom and understanding. Instead Proverbs 4:5, 7 is wanting for us to gain all we can. And we will learn that if we get this, it is better than gold and silver itself (Proverbs 16:16). How many chase after money, but miss that which is true wealth.