This poor, young man, who either by accident, or as the Scripture seems to indicate, on purpose, went by the path to the woman’s home, is now ensnared. Who is this woman? Proverbs 7:10-20 gives us all we need to know.

First, Proverbs 7:10, she is dressed like a harlot, and has a crafty heart. The word here has the idea of being cunning and wary. This of course is seen as we go through the discription of this woman.

Then we look at Proverbs 7:11, first, loud and rebellious. The Bible says a lot about a rebellious woman. It was, and is a mark of shame, for the woman is to be the model of elegance, class, and sophistication. Carrying herself with modesty, and decorum. Therefore, when we look at the text, we find that she is first loud. This loudness does have the idea of being loud in voice, but also can bring the idea of being obnoxious, boisterous, or at times a brute beast (along the lines of Proverbs 9:13). The other concept is the one who is unsettled.

The weight of this word, as well as the word rebellious, brings to bear several powerful verses that show us the level of which this woman was to be held in the eyes of those around her. First is Proverbs 25:24. It is better to be in the corner of a house, not even the whole home, than be with a contentious woman. Proverbs 27:15, a contentious woman is like the dripping of rain that is constant. Almost picture a leaky faucet that hits a pan. It gets to the point where it gets under the skin.

Then, turning to the New Testament, there are warnings for women and for churches who are to help with the widows. Young widows, if they are given the care as descriptive in 1 Timothy 5:3-16, notice the concern in 1 Timothy 5:13-14. There is a connection between being a homemaker and a wife fulfilling a higher calling and duty.

“But, what about the women who have to work to help provide? They cannot be a homemaker!”

This is a regrettable situation, for sure, but there are times when this must be done. We are not counting that. What we are counting are the ones who do not have to go out, but can be a homemaker, and yet the Bible says their feet does not stay at the home (Proverbs 7:11). She would not stay home but would just go out and be found in all places and in all circumstances. There is a beauty of being at home and having a wife who does stay home. This is what we find in Proverbs 7:12. The young man who is walking here, does not know this about her. All he knows is he is caught by her, but for us who are the reader, the author is telling us about this woman. She seems to be discontent to staying at home.

It is important to see how high a calling it is to be a stay at home mother. Again, there are times where this is not possible, and that is not in focus. This would require a different conversation. However, there are many women who look at being home as a prison, a loss of making your career or getting to a level of higher appreciation. Feminism has destroyed the greater work, being a mother who stays at home and helps their children to grow and become Godly young men and women. Between the option of commanding a corporation from a corner office, or changing a part of the future generation by staying home and raising children, the second option carries a much higher level of privileged and honor.

So now we come to Proverbs 7:13 and we are now revisiting this woman grabbing this young man. She is very brutish and brash. She does not know him but she grabs him and kisses him (remember what we said about this in Proverbs 5:3 and 7:5?). This is that verse put on display. Notice the fact of having an impudent. An older word that has the idea of a harlot’s face that has arrogance, and insolence. One that is shameless. This woman is probably known by her neighbors. She is the talk of the town with how much and how many she brings into her home with her. Yet she is not shameless. There is something about a woman who does not blush. Our culture calls this prudish. The Bible says it is modesty. The Brethren call it piety. This woman has more visitors in her home than a store and yet she is not ashamed by her actions.

But now we come to Proverbs 7:14 where the mouth that drips with honey comes into play. Look at how she captures this young man. First she points out her material possessions. The peace offering is a deeply religious thing for the Jewish. To help understand, I quote Pulpit commentary. It says,

And now (the day being reckoned from one night to the next) the feast was ready, and she invites her paramour to share it. The religious nature of the feast is utterly ignored or forgotten. The shameless woman uses the opportunity simply as a convenience for her sin.

What is this offering? It is a thanksgiving offering. They were given to God on a volunteer basis as a way to thank God for His provision and for the giver’s joy in the Lord. It is often given, not out of poorness, but out of possessions. Through this statement, this woman is telling this young man that she has plenty. She is from a position of wealth. And she was able to fulfill her vow. She is using her possessions to lure this young man in.

What should be observed, however, is her lie she tells this young man (Proverbs 7:15). She says what she needs to make him feel special. She left her home to find this man. This man alone. She says she sought him and looked high and low for him. Finally, after all this searching, she found him. What did we read earlier in Proverbs 7:9-10? He just went down the path to her home. That was it. Yet she wanted to make him feel special.

Then she makes the seductive moves to draw him in. Look at Proverbs 7:16-17 at the steps she does. She has her bed covered with tapestry. This is something a little thicker and it signifies it is laid out ready to be used. Something to entice and excite. Then she also says she has carved works. This is a craft that requires much work and is not cheap. Showing she is coming from wealth. Then, to top it off, she has linen from Egypt. Again, not cheap for this time and life. This speaks to not only her wealth, but also her decking things out for comfort, and mood.

If the sight was not bad enough, then she also brings in the scent. In Proverbs 7:17. Look at the spices being used, myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Her actions reflect the very thing done by husbands and wives before they engage with sexual intimacy. Yet this woman is going after someone younger than her, if we are reading this correctly. This is exactly what she wanted. We have talked a lot about a sexually perverse woman throughout Proverbs, and at this point, this woman is right in line with these women we are commanded to avoid! How do we know this? Proverbs 7:18. She is wanting to draw him in for sexual fantasies. She is wanting to solace, or exalt or joyously partake. This is a carefree action that shows there is no consideration of whether what they are doing is wrong or not. God is not in their focus, contrary to what Joseph did when confronted by Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39:7-12). They are going to solace themselves in love, and this is not just kissing, hugging, or holding hands.

However, the greatest strike, is found in Proverbs 7:19-20. This woman is married! Her husband is gone on a long trip, he took a lot of money, and will come back on the day planned. They are able to go behind his back and commit adultery! This man is being betrayed by his wife, and some young man. I am reminded of this by the recent strike of news where there have been many teachers that have been caught and arrested for having sexual relations with their students! When the news breaks, the truth comes that they were married with husbands and children! This is not just an immoral woman, but a married woman who is not staying home and bringing this betrayal and sin to a much higher level. What did we read in Proverbs 6:34-35? How would this husband respond? We don’t know, but this was left last because the point was to drive the nail home on how deep this betrayal was. How will this young man respond? This was a full assault against everything within this man. It went after his senses, who he is, and his feelings, and flesh. Much like Satan’s attack of Genesis 3:1-6 and the continued attack in 1 John 2:16, this woman follows in Satan’s plan.

This is where wisdom and understanding becomes important. When we are equipped with these two things, we have the tools to learn and discern what is going on. How would we, as men, if we are confronted today with this, how would we respond? Men, our flesh would look at this as an opportunity, but do not be unwise. Think of this scenario for a week, and Lord willing, next week, we will see how this young man responds. God bless.