Proverbs 8:32-36 gives us the final plea from wisdom. There are several key factors in this passage which we must observe and watch.

Proverbs 8:32 shows that wisdom calls to the children to listen. Listening means to hear, heed, or pay attention to what is said. Interesting that wisdom has children. These children are all who are under wisdom, guided, led, and taught by wisdom. This adoption is important for outside of wisdom only foolishness exist which can be dressed up as wisdom. These children are blessed if they keep wisdom’s way. This word ‘blessed’ means being happy. We are happy if we obey wisdom’s way! True joy does not come in following our own desire, but wisdom’s path.

Then turn to Proverbs 8:33 and the plea is to hear instruction and be wise. Proverbs points out where true wisdom comes from or what it is. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Through this, the children are called to hear the instructions and be wise and commands us to not disdain the instruction. Many want wisdom based on man’s advice or knowledge, and very little on true wisdom which is found in God. This call is not to just not listen, but also do not disdain.

There is a logical fallacy called evasion that many do today. This evasion works as such. Evidence, wisdom, truth, is accepted. The logical progression of points is considered, and the hearer follows those things to their logical conclusion...until that conclusion is rejected. The individual chooses to ignore the conclusion and disregard the logical evidence, and arrive to a different conclusion based on their own opinion.

Wisdom is saying do not disdain the wisdom being offered. Hear and accept the truth as it is presented regardless of where the evidence leads. Sadly, many will reject this, but in a wrap up, wisdom itself shows what is connected to actually listening.

Proverbs 8:34 says the man is happy who listens, watches, and waits. Watches at the gates. The gate of the city is where the business of the city took place, and the main way into a city. To have wisdom at the gates pictures having wisdom indwelling the city, and presides over and through the business and structure of the city. The same with the door posts. Same thing with wisdom being at the home. One is public and the house doorpost is private. Both public and private life is now found with wisdom.

I do not know anyone who does not want wisdom. But sadly, mankind uses only man’s wisdom in these areas of life. God says that His ways are not our ways, and it would be foolish to build up false wisdom. This is exactly what is happening in our society. There is an abandoning of true wisdom. They have abandoned wisdom in the public place. More dangerous, when looking at their private life, it is scandal after scandal. Their life is a wreck and often many are left wondering why. It is because they have abandoned wisdom from both places.

In closing, we are now faced with the result of wisdom. In Proverbs 8:35, those who find wisdom, finds life. A simple illustration is that of a road. Wisdom says do not play in the street. Foolishness gets hit by a truck. Deeper still, wisdom gives, preserves, and protects life. In fact, we covered that it was through wisdom God created, and what do we find in Genesis 2:7? Life! It is this wisdom that brought forth life, it is wisdom that originated from the One Who IS life. Look at what Jesus says in John 10:10 and John 17:3!

The second part of this text, gives us some interesting info. Those who find wisdom obtains favor from the Lord. Obtains means to produce, furnish, bring out! Finding wisdom, favor is produced from those who get wisdom. This word for obtain is used seven times in the Old Testament.

Wisdom also gives a warning. Failure to obtain wisdom, Proverbs 8:36, will do wrong to their own soul. The word ‘wrong’ is strong. It means to do violence to, to treat violently, to do something against. To sin against wisdom is to cause destruction to their own soul itself! Violence here is always used with sinful violence. Specifically, this word is found in Job 15:33; Jeremiah 13:22; Lamentations 2:6 and in five other places. What a sad state to be in, to sin, not against wisdom itself, but against your own soul! Wisdom is not harmed by being ignored. Those who ignore are destroyed. How much?

The second part of Proverbs 8:36 says. Those who hate wisdom, love death. Again, this death is a death by violence, a state of death, a place of death, and a penalty of death. There is no grace shown to those who take the negative direction to wisdom, as proclaimed in Proverbs 8:36. Let’s draw this to a conclusion.

There are two options put before us, dear reader. On one hand, there is a blessing (Proverbs 8:35). It brings with it life, wisdom, blessing, favor. On the other is death, hated, violence. Each one of us must now chose. Chapter 8 has been very strong when it comes to wisdom, and it would be wise for us all to heed what is being said. Combine this with all that was said before in the book of Proverbs, and we will see why Proverbs is called a book of wisdom. What direction, dear reader, will you go? I pray it is to see the truth of the Scriptures, accept it, and start to follow and obey.