What do we store up? Is it wealth? Possessions? Positions? How about wisdom? We can store up wisdom in our life, and Proverbs 10:14 shows us that it is possible. Of course, we have the foolish side that rushes to destruction. Let us begin with our study.


We have looked at the word for "wise" in Proverbs 1:6; 3:7; 9:8, etc. This storing up is given to us in several examples. In Proverbs 9:9; 18:15, we have wisdom being gained, learned, and used for a future direction. The wise one will learn, store that knowledge, and that will then be pulled out as needed. This storing comes from many different aspects such as studying, memorizing and learning from the Bible. Reading good works about the Bible (even Paul asked for the books in 2 Timothy). Lastly, engaging with other Christians who have been walking in the faith for a long time. If they are growing and maturing, and show the fruit of the Spirit, they are able to work and walk with you.


From each of these places, we can gather, gain, and store wisdom. It becomes a tool box, men, or a hope chest, or curio chest, ladies. From these boxes, we pull out what we need, what we want, and what is profitable for that moment. Each one storing the necessary items that is needed in our growth and maturity in the faith. The question we should ask ourselves is this, "Am I storing in what I need?" Only you and I can answer that for ourselves. If we seem to be caught in one stage of our growth, and struggling to make any headway in how we live, perhaps the answer to the problem is that we are not storing up wisdom. Why is this true? It deals with the second part of our verse.


In the second part, we find the contrast of the foolish one is near destruction. Instead of life, these individuals are one step away from destruction. The individuals in this position are the polar opposite from the wise ones. Instead, these are the ones whose "toolbox" is empty. Notice how this fits with text such as Proverbs 18:7. The two options we have is to either store up the wisdom given to us, or we will be close to destruction.


Therefore, dear reader, what choice will you make? Will you store up only what can be gained in this world? Or will you store up true wealth? Remember what Jesus taught in Matthew 6:19-21. That should help us make the wise decision.