We arrive to Proverbs 10:12. Interesting text when we look at hatred and love. Two are on completely opposite ends of the emotional spectrum, and both bring about different results. One one side is strife, and the other is a covering. Does this mean that love only is all that is needed to cover sin? We will dig a little into this verse.
We start by looking at the words themselves. First is the word hatred. It has the idea of hating, hated, and refers to the hatred that comes from man, or the hatred that comes from God. We have examples of this hatred found in several places in Scripture. From man’s point we can look at 2 Samuel 13:15. We can also find God’s hatred in Deuteronomy 1:27.
The condemnation, in this text, is not found in the emotion of anger. God gave us that emotion. And when we view other texts such as the Psalmist having PERFECT ANGER in Psalm 139:2, we need to realize there is something else at play here. Seeing as how this is the first time we have found this word in Proverbs, we need to understand the word in play.
Used seventeen times in the Old Testament, the word does carry a broad stroke as we covered before. Some of this anger is sinful, but some is not as we have mentioned. This word will find itself several times in Proverbs and notice how it is used in Proverbs.
Proverbs 15:17 – Wealth is worth nothing with hatred
Proverbs 26:26 – covered hatred will be found out
So, what is being said here in our text? If it is not the emotion of hatred, for if that is the sin, then God has sin, what is the issue? The issue comes in how that anger is used. There is such a thing as righteous anger, and this is what God has (Psalm 7:11), but this anger in Proverbs is the wrong anger. This is the anger Jesus warns about in Matthew 5:22. The point is, we as mere creation, struggle with right and wrong anger. This anger, used and had in the wrong way, causes strife. We have covered this word two other times in Proverbs, and it is only used in Proverbs. Found in Proverbs 6:14, it is translated as discord. In Proverbs 6:19, it is also discord. Strife, discord, trouble, each idea bears the concept that anger causes this problem.
Do we have evidence of this in our life and church? Sadly, many do. Their anger causes them to lash out at those who are there to help. They lash out with little to no provocation and the one who is the recipient is left trying to figure out what happened. This is a sinful response and those who act this way, should repent.
But we have the other half of this verse. Love covers all sins. We will not dwell long on the word love, as that is pretty understood. Love is the love for a husband and wife to each other. Love is God’s love to us and us to God. Love is the very definition of who God is. But for us, when we love one another, as God wants us to, our focus is going to change.
We may be hurt by others, we may struggle with others, but because of our love for each other, we are going to respond to them by reaching out differently. Like Jesus. Jesus was hurt, beaten, spat upon, and crucified. Yet He forgave. If we are misused, mistreated, hated, and disparaged, do we reach out with anger or love? If we are Christians, what does Jesus say – Matthew 5:43-44?
Therefore, beloved, how do we respond? We have in Proverbs, the text that tells us the results. How we respond will bring those results. May we, who are Christian, respond appropriately and make the decision necessary to always have the love of Christ through us to others.