Please note: This is a little longer due to the depth and nature of the text we are covering.
Proverbs 2:1-5 starts off with Solomon giving his son some very wise counsel. It builds up to a point that goes right back to what we have already covered before in Proverbs 1:7. Let us break down this segment to see what the Lord has for us.
Proverbs 2:1-2 gives us the condition by which Solomon's son is to respond to what has been said in chapter 1. This condition starts of with the word "if". What is entailed by this conditional statement? If the son will do what follows, he will obtain a treasure worth more than all the wealth in the world. If he does not, then everything will be lost. This is a sad statement to be sure. Notice what is involved with this conditional statement: 1) He has to receive the words. 2) He has to treasure the commands. 3) He has to incline his ear to wisdom. 4) He has to apply his heart to understanding. It would be important to look at these four things to see this played out, even in what we have covered in Proverbs already.
First, he has to receive the words. The word receive means to take, grasp, seize. The son is to seize the words which Solomon is giving. This Hebrew word shows the individual has the personal responsibility to do the grabbing. The son must take the responsibility to do the work. Solomon has already made a plea to the son about doing this before (Proverbs 1:8).
Jesus makes a statement, of sorts, to His listeners. In Luke 6:47, Jesus says that those who hear and do His words are a wise man. Both the son of Solomon (whom many believe may have been Rehoboam from 2 Chronicles 9:31) and we who are reading today, have the personal responsibility to take the words given to us. Not only do we have the Word of God from Proverbs, but we, today, are blessed to have all sixty-six books of the Scriptures. That leaves us with two choices.
The first choice is to ignore what was and is said. Rehoboam took this route. 2 Chronicles 10:6-11, shows us the wisdom given was lost. The nation of Israel was split. In the New Testament, failure to hear and do the commands of Jesus makes us foolish (Matthew 7:26). We can decide the words we read in the Bible are just that. Words that sound good, but nothing really to worry about or to live in accordance to. The end result can be seen from both the Old and New Testament.
The second point of the conditional statement in Proverbs 2:1 is to treasure the commands. Once again, Jesus' words are very powerful here (Luke 12:34). The fact words can be treasured, or hidden is a very strong theme throughout Scripture (Job 23:12; Psalm 31:19 [up is the same Hebrew word]; Psalm 119:11, etc.). The commands Solomon gives should be treasured. Combining with Jesus' words, what do we do with something that is a treasure? Some, foolishly, show it off. It becomes the sole object of their greed, lust, and identity. They are who their treasure makes them to be. Think about something that is very special or a "treasure" you may have. Is it something you would flaunt all over or wave around carelessly? I would think not. It is something you keep safe, locked up, and guarded. Solomon is telling his son to do that very thing with his commands he is giving to him.
These two points are working hand in hand. The son is to take the responsibility of getting the words, but then guard the words so they are not lost. Many times, words of wisdom are lost by those who are being talked to. Young people ignore their parents and elders because "they know better". True wisdom is lost and becomes harder to get back than if it was received and guarded in the first place. How much trouble could be avoided if wisdom were indeed held as tightly, if not more, than mere earthly riches? Sadly, our culture and nation has decided wisdom, true wisdom, must play second place to feelings. If someone feels, that makes it true.
The sad result is we have men and women who believe they are the other genders, we have kids that believe they are animals, and our nation is driven by emotionally unbalanced and ungrounded feelings. Truth is subjected to these whims and almost nothing, will change the mind.
For those who see the mess, there is a place of fortitude and solace. Wisdom calls out and must be received and treasured in the heart. For it is the heart which the Bible says is the driving force of human nature (Matthew 15:19). If wisdom is locked in tight the heart can and will change.
The third conditional statement is he has to incline his ear to wisdom, or give attention to wisdom. This is more than just a passing fancy, or a polite mental awareness. This calls for their to be an actual mental exercise to really look at and understand wisdom. Proverbs 1:1-3 reveals the entire book of Proverbs as a book of wisdom.
Are we doing more than just reading? Are we actually giving full attention to the wisdom that is being presented so far in Proverbs? We know if we are or not simply by how our lives are affected. Those who really read and desire wisdom will NEVER walk away from the Scriptures untouched and unchanged. Change does not always always happen immediately. Growth takes place at different speeds. But there is growth. The "Christian" or the "wise" who is never affected, and never shows a propensity to move toward holiness and righteousness is one who is not taking wisdom and really looking at it. God's Word is wisdom to its very core. As Proverbs 1:7 says, all true wisdom leads to God. If wisdom does not lead to God and how He has revealed Himself in the Scripture, it is not wisdom.
Sadly, many who claim to be Christian, live their lives engrossed in sin because they are "forgiven" and "accepted" because God is love. They ignore the truth of Romans 6:1-2. They live like Satan and are more comfortable in the fires of hell than they are actually being Christ like. These individuals should give pause to whether they are truly Christian or not, and if they truly understand what it means to be Christian. Wisdom demands that.
Lastly, he has to apply his heart to understanding. Apply means to stretch out, to bend. The picture is the heart is stretched out to understanding so when wisdom comes in, the heart is able to understand what is being said. It is able to process what is being said and adjust to reflect God’s Word.
It is not enough to mentally accept a statement. What is done with the statement? It has been said that Heaven is often missed by a mere eighteen inches. The distance between the head and the heart. Wisdom must be brought to the heart and understanding must filter what is being said. That which is not wisdom is to be discarded and what is must be applied.
This is why it is important to read God's Word. I love Psalm 119:105 for it shows the very powerful image of this. We are wandering through the darkness of life. Around us, millions who believe they have light are fumbling and stumbling around in darkness. We, who are Christians, have the Word of God and its wisdom to see what is going on, the understanding to know and perceive what is going on, and the ability to bring others to the light.
But many do not want the light. They WANT TO trip and fall and bang themselves up on this trail of life. Why? Jesus succinctly tells us in John 3:20. They do not want to submit, surrender, or be confronted with the truth that tells them they are wrong. Instead they stub their toes and bash their knees all the way to the very edge of the cliff of life and miss the narrow bridge because of the darkness and plunge headlong into the pit of hell (Matthew 7:13-14).
Now look at Proverbs 2:3-4. First is the cry for discernment. I will not spend too much time here, but I would encourage reading the blog post of Proverbs 1:1-5. The word discernment is the same word for understanding in Proverbs 1:2. There is a lot said there, but again, this discernment is missing in our culture today. But the son is also to cry out for understanding.
There are two options when we do not understand God’s Word. First option could be, "Well, I don't understand so I am just going to ignore this", or "I am going to change it to match what I think is sensible", or "God is evil and unjust. That is not the God I serve. I serve One who is loving and caring." How far we fall from understanding and wisdom with any one of those three statements. The second option is, "I don't understand what is going on or why. But Lord, please open my eyes and mind to understand. I know you are holy and righteous and no matter what, I trust you to accomplish your will and purpose in my life." That is a heart that is crying out for discernment and understanding.
It should also be looked for as silver and hidden treasures. Growing up in the 90's, my wife and I often laugh, but many of the movies we watched there was always a discovered treasure map. The plot was usually easy to see before it began. The map is found, and the actors start the quest. They are trapped or tricked and have to reclaim the treasure. It ends when they get home and everything is happy. The way it was portrayed, every attic had a treasure map in it!
Discernment and understanding is the true treasure and silver, but the map is often ignored. Why? Because the map is the Word of God. Solomon is calling for his son, and for us, to seek after these things. But the real question is where does this lead?
Proverbs 2:5. This goes hand in hand with Proverbs 1:5. True wisdom, understanding, discernment will open up a true understanding the fear of the Lord. This fear is healthy. It is fear because we know who God is - He is the creator of everything - Genesis 1:1. He is the One who sustains everything - Nothing exists outside of Him - Revelation 4:11. He is the One who holds us together - If He wanted, we would simply disintegrate - Colossians 1:17. Lastly, this fear comes because we know what He is capable of doing that no one else can do - He can kill the body AND THE SOUL - Matthew 10:28.
This is the God we are to worship, serve, follow and obey. This is the God who is also calling for us to come to Him. To know Him. Look at Proverbs 2:5. We can have the knowledge of God. This does not mean we will know everything about God (Psalm 139:6; 145:3; Isaiah 55:8; Romans 11:33 1 Corinthians 2:10-12). But God has given us what we need and honestly, what we can barley handle (this is the study of the Knowability of God). There are many who go to "spiritualists" who know "mysteries". The issue is when we pursue what God has not specifically given us, we open ourselves up to demonic influences (if you are a Christian), and in some cases control (demonic possession which cannot happen to a true born again Christian).
Instead, let us deal with what God has revealed to us about Himself. And through wisdom, discernment, understanding, and the Word of God, let us learn and know more about this Wonderful God who loved us and sent His Son Jesus to die for us, even when we were His enemies ( John 3:16-17; Romans 5:10; 1 John 4:9).