Proverbs 8:12-14, wisdom is giving us self description of itself. Each one shows the truth of Proverbs 8:1-11. As we begin, we find in Proverbs 8:12 the personal identification in which wisdom itself is now talking. First, it dwells with prudence. We now have a uniting between wisdom and prudence and this word is only used five times in the Old Testament. As we have already stated before, this word can be both good and bad. In this case, knowing what we do about wisdom, it can only be good. With the wisdom, there is that shrewdness, craftiness, or as we find translated, prudence.

Wisdom will also bring with it the ability to be shrewd in a good way. This fits in with not only having wisdom but being what we call “street smart” today. There is, a negativity within this word, but being careful to not use it negatively is the goal of Christians. These two together, wisdom and prudence now do something. They seek out knowledge and discretion. These two words we have ran across before (knowledge in Proverbs 2:5-6, 10; 3:20; and discretion in Proverbs 1:4; 2:11; 3:21, etc.). We now have knowledge and discretion. Therefore, these four words give us wisdom, shrewdness, knowledge and discretion. It is through these four words, we are going to be better equipped to know and do what we are supposed to, based on the book of Proverbs. But notice the closeness of these things. They are in the same home. In fellowship with one another. Why are these so important? This takes us to Proverbs 8:13.

Through these four things, we find it opens the door for us to have fear of the Lord. It is fascinating how this plays out, both in Old and New Testament. For starters, we find these bases of this concept:

1. Proverbs 16:6 – The fear of the Lord is what moves us to depart from evil.

2. Psalm 97:10 – To love the Lord means we hate evil.

3. Psalm 119:104, 128 - The precepts of God are right, and to follow the right way, we hate the false way.

Then, when we come to the New Testament, we find this concept of hating the sinful way to be put into a practical way.

1. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 – We are called to stay away from the form of evil. We may not be sinning, but we are close enough to that sin. There have been many pastors today that have made statements such as,

“We do anything we can, just shy of sin.”

While I do not necessarily endorse all of his Theology, Todd Friel did a video on a circus in the church. That is the video at the end of this blog. This whole video is vital, but to see it worked out in the congregations, jump to 10:28. Caution, the song played is found in church. The song is a Brittney Spiers song titled, “Circus” The whole song is not here, but just a sample: (Caution: This is a secular song and young viewer discretion is advised).


There have been pastors that have said,

“test drive Christianity”


“You do not have to read the Bible.”

Just shy of sin? What about this text? There is a gap between the Bible and these passages.

2. 2 Timothy 2:19 – It is from every iniquity, those who claim to be Christian MUST depart or run from.

We believe this calls for all of us to hate evil. Not be part of it, participate in it, or to delve into it, and to not even walk close to it. What does this look like? We find this in the outworking of Pride, arrogance, evil way, and perverse mouth they are all hated. The challenge is to avoid it! Run from it.

It is from here we jump to Proverbs 8:14 and we find that counsel and sound wisdom is wisdom’s own. Counsel is purpose, counsel. It is the counsel of wisdom and knowledge that is available to all who have wisdom. Again, not just any wisdom, but sound and efficient wisdom! We have said before, there is a lot of wisdom in this world. But not all is sound. Going to wisdom brings this truth to all.

We also find that wisdom is understanding! Again, understanding. We would look back at Proverbs 1:2, 2:3; 3:5, etc. We will not delve too deep into this word because there is so much involved here that we have already covered elsewhere.

Lastly, wisdom has strength. What is fascinating about this word is it is a royal power. A power that comes from a position of authority. Why is this important? Throughout Scripture, this authority is many times attributed to God Himself! Wisdom is drawn into a unique relationship with God and as we have said, wisdom, true wisdom, can only come from God and will always point back to God. Anything else that does not fulfill these two bookends, is not true wisdom.

From this bases, what is the end result? We will see that next week.