Proverbs 2:13

We are covering the third thing discretion delivers us from. As always, it is important for us, as we begin, to first look at key words we are seeing throughout.

We see the protection from those who leave the paths of uprightness. If you have ever been on a hike, or walk through the woods, sometimes the best way to travel is on straight path. When the trail gets windy, or gets spotty where the trail is difficult to detect, the risk of being lost in the woods is real, and disconcerting.

In the eyes of God, there is a path that is right. Uprightness is used fourteen times in the Old Testament and deals with the way that is straight, honest, and has integrity. There is a difference between the two. Honesty is the telling of truth. Integrity is honesty, for sure, but it is also having oral soundness and a life, both public and private, that is based on the realization of truth. This would be a fascinating study one day!

Those who leave the upright path are a danger for believers. They can and will lead Christians into ways they should not go and do. They are the ones who, while on that proverbial walk, will stray off the known path, following an untraveled path, only to be lost and never seen again.

Why do they leave the path? But then the hard part, those who are not on the righteous path seem to have success and have everything work out right for them. They always seem to be on top. Why? This is often the struggle of many believers throughout time: David in Psalm 73:1-16; Jeremiah in Jeremiah 12:1-2; Job in Job 21:7, and maybe even you, dear reader.

Are they really on top? Oh, they may talk a good game. They may have the appearance. But reality is quite contrary to the imagination they put forward.

David learned this: Psalm 73:17-28. Jeremiah in Jeremiah 12:14. Job in Job 42:1-6. We also should learn that, while not true in every situation, many who seem to have it all, really are empty inside. The draperies of their life is to hide the cold and empty rooms of their soul. There are two points that should be understood.

The Bible tells us, God does not do things our way Isaiah 55:8-9. Therefore, why does it seem they succeed?

1. God uses the wicked to fulfill His purposes. While they wicked may seem to be in charge, they are nothing more than pawns in the hand of The Chess Master. For example, God used the Babylonians to exact judgment against a rebellious Judah (Habakkuk 1:6). The Persians were used by God to do what God willed (Isaiah 44:28). The Egyptians and Assyrians were used to judge the nation of Israel (Isaiah 7:18).

2. God allows sinners to live instead of destroying them because God is a God of mercy. He loves the sinners (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). It is because of His slowness to exact vengeance, that sinners should repent and come to the righteous way (2 Peter 3:9). He loves them, and He wants them to be saved. So He gives them time to repent (2 Peter 3:15).

So what do we do with this? Of course, we should pray for them. They are destined for hell, unless they repent, so we must get the Gospel to them. Second, we should not be envious of their “advantages”. Remember, if we are saved, we are already living eternity. Yes, we are trapped by this sinful fleshly nature, but we are never going to die spiritually! The wicked, all they have is this earth and its trappings and amusements. The wicked, unless they repent, had better enjoy all they can in this earth, including their assumed position of power. They have no power if it were not for God putting them there (Daniel 2:21; John 19:11), and even then, they only do what God allows (Proverbs 21:1). One more point, if God put them there, He can take them out. This world is all they have. Once they die, they will go to hell and then to the Lake of fire for all eternity! This can not be better shown than with the rich man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31 (as a side note, this does not follow the usual markings of being a parable, or a story, so if that is the case, this was a real rich man who is still, to this day, in this torment and will forever be in torment). Beloved, do not be envious of their present state. For it is a vapor (James 4:14), and we do not know what will happen in the next minute (Luke 12:16-21).

The other concept to consider, when looking at those who have left the upright way, is they belong to Satan. They are not going to be targeted by Satan. Satan is a roaring lion but if he already has those who are dead, why would he go after them again? It is only believers who are going to be targeted – 1 Peter 5:8. So the wicked will have it easier. They will not be hit like Christians are. But that is ok. If a Christian is not hated by the world, then they should take a very hard look at their own faith – Matthew 10:22; 1 John 2:15, etc.

This is where discernment helps protect us. Through discernment we see the danger those who have left the road of uprightness are. Notice what the Bible says about them: In Psalm 82:5, we are told they do not know or understand but walk in darkness. Those are the ones to not follow. In Proverbs 4:19, the wicked is dark, and they stumble. Following them will be as though the blind leading the blind – Matthew 15:14.

Even more damaging to these people is the fact that there is light in the world but they hate the light – John 3:19-20. For those who hate the light, they love their dark living, and all Christians should question their reasoning and motives in wanting to walk with, be with, or follow them -2 Corinthians 6:14-17. The truth is they are not in the light and they are going to trip up any and all who follow them.

But even deeper is Psalm 1. Those who do not follow them or be with them will find themselves as a tree by a river. Unlike the wicked who will have no life, this will bring life no matter what times and seasons exist around the tree. If you look at a map of a desert, you will find, small little places of green and fresh vegetation. In the midst of the burning, hot, desolate dessert, this water will give life.

This life helps the plants, no matter the place the plant finds itself. Those who are like the tree in the Psalm will be able to stand and truly live, no matter if the season is good or bad. No matter if there is trials or rest. No matter what goes on around that tree, or that Christian, being planted by the waters will always bring forth life.

This is how discernment protects believers. It allows us to see and know who we are dealing with, what their end goal is, and we can see the fruit of their lives to know if it is good or bad. Then, using discernment and wisdom from God, we make the decisions to keep us on the straight, narrow, and yes, the harder way. But that leads to life and life more abundantly – John 10:10.