As we now look at Proverbs 10:9, and it builds up from what was discussed last week. We saw the difference between wisdom and foolishness and how one receives commands, and the other just talks. But in our text we are moving now from the heart and words to how we walk.
The one who walks in integrity walks in security. There are two key words: integrity and security. The word for walk has the idea of the physical walk, but metaphorically, it could be the way in which we walk, or our testimony. To walk in integrity is very important for that not only is us walking in a way that is right, but also our name is not spoiled by how we walk in our life. Much has been said, and has been taught here at Calvary. We will bring up the concept of Piety in a minute, but there is encouragement to look at many of the teachings from Calvary. This walking in integrity shows this is not, literally, walking but a call to “walk” or act in integrity in our life in all we do. So what is integrity?
One individual once told me, “What you do when no one sees you, that is who you are. Does it match what people see? That is integrity”. Powerful to think about, and let us dig deeper. In the Hebrew, the word for Integrity can also be translated as the word upright. Being upright, throughout Scripture is always pictured as the following: Complete, full, simplicity. As a Brethren, this call of simplicity has been throughout our history.
As Brethren, we are called to pursue that which draws focus, not to our self, but to God. Brethren desire a simple life which does not want to promote the self to a higher level, seeking only what can be gained in order to show off the position obtained. This goes back to the heart for the right heart will desire to have God receive the glory, and not our own self.
Uprightly is walking in a way that honors God in that high manner. To be upright before God is God’s desire and wish for us. This was the purpose and plan Jesus had in coming. To give us the ability and right to stand before God in an upright manner. This integrity is what makes us who we are.
As we read in our text, there is the reality that if we walk in integrity, we will walk securely. Secure here means to be safe, feel safe, secure, confident, careless. There are other meanings that can work, but we do find this word used in texts such as Proverbs 1:33; 3:23, etc.
What we are called to do is to walk in integrity, and the fears that many have, we will not be affected by. This is possible because walking uprightly, our focus is on God and we trust Him for everything else. We are secure in Jesus Christ.
This security comes from a life that is blameless before God (upright). If we read Proverbs 28:18, we will see this verse supporting this throughout Scripture. How do we get to this point? Isaiah 33:15-16 tells us.
However, in contrast, we find the second part of our verse. The other side is those who pervert their ways. The word pervert is not just with sexual immorality. Pervert can also be how we worship, what we worship, how we act, what we say. It covers so much. The word is speaking about those who twist, corrupt, distort, the way in which they live and walk. They are not walking in integrity. They are walking in the way of the world.
The first time we find this word is here in this text and it displays the twisted nature in which sin corrupts all that it affects. This focus is on the sin which does not allow the sinner to stand uprightly before God. Instead, the sinner must now take a different path. The path that leads to destruction. In Proverbs 10:9, the Bible says this individual will become known. To become known is to be made aware of, or revealed. I can not think of anything more relevant than much of what is happening within Christian circles today. Over the course of the last several months, we have had many who have had to step down from the pulpit, and they were preaching the truth. We have had a vast many more who have destroyed their entire “empire” they were building because of how they have twisted and walked in a perverted way.
Could examples be given? Yes. On one hand, there is Pastor Steve Lawson. He taught the Gospel, but yet he did not live his life in light of what the Bible taught. There was sin. On the other side of this is the ongoing saga of DayStar (we could add many more to this, but we will leave this here). This post is not attempting to throw stones, or to add another “.02” into the fray (even though the author here has his opinions and thoughts). Instead, it is to show the reality of this verse, and the truth of what is found in Numbers 32:23. Again, in the New Testament we come across Galatians 6:7. These two texts affirm what this verse is saying.
When there is this perverse life and walk, God knows, and eventually, others will find out. This is the law of sowing and reaping. For those who may not know, sowing is the throwing of seeds into the grown to plant a crop. Reaping is the collecting the produce of the seeds thrown.
Sin, if it is sown, will bring back so much more with it. The challenge here is for all of us, both pastor and laymen. It is a call to the unsaved. First, dear friend, if you have not trusted in Jesus, you are going to be judged based on your sin. That sin is the perverse that is being talked about, and the wrath results in eternal separation from God in hell. That is why Jesus died on the cross for you. He died so you can have a way of escaping the wrath of God. But you must put your faith and trust in Him and humble yourself before Him.
For the believer, you also have a choice. You may chose to live how you wish. You will be under the judgment and wrath of God as well. Or, you may walk in your integrity. Sadly, many decide they want to claim the name “Christian” without the responsibilities and requirements that name demands. God is calling for all to come to Him. Walk in your integrity. Allow the Bible to inform and correct. Then you may walk in uprightness.