Proverbs 9:1-6 shows us the last cry of wisdom. It is amazing the corralation between wisdom and the Proverbs 31 wife. Wisdom is pulling out all the stops to make it and what it offers so desirable for all who are willing to come to her. Notice that wisdom, in Proverbs 9:1-2 has established her house, prepared the meal, and made it inviting. There are many times we find this invite being a desire when we think of those times we gather with family and friends around a warm meal. Thanksgiving is the big one that comes to my mind reading this text. The house has the seven pillars, showing strength, stability. The meat, and wine speaks of riches.

Who is invited to come? Proverbs 9:3. All are to hear the call, but not all will listen. This almost sounds familiar. Almost to the parable given by Jesus about the servants going to the highway and byways (Luke 14:23). The focus in this verse is to get the good news out to as many people as possible and from the Proverbs text as well as the Luke text everything is being proclaimed in the public areas. The call which these maidens give is found in Proverbs 9:4-6.

First, the simple are called to come to wisdom. The word for simple is not simplicity as we Brethren would necessarily interpret the word. Instead it means to be naive, foolish, open-minded. It is used 18 times in the Old Testament in such powerful texts as

Psalm 19:7 – the simple become wise by the testimony of the Lord

Psalm 119:130 - The Word gives light and understanding to the simple.

And in the book of Proverbs we saw this word in

Proverbs 1:4 – Prudence is given to the simple

Proverbs 1:22 – Simple ones love simplicity

The word, according to the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament says, “generally describes the naive (not deranged) in Prov who must be well taught, since an immature person believes anything (Proverbs 14:15)”.

This sums up these people and wisdom is calling out for them to come to her. This simple one believes all that is told. There is a statement that has been tossed around, but it deserves a second look in light of this. It is the statement of, “Trust, but verify”. Someone simple will simply believe. A man of true understanding will hear, study, and understand what is being said, and evaluate whether there be facts under girding the statement or not. More work, yes, but this individual is not simple.

Dear reader, if you find it easier to just accept what is being said, it is not meaning you are simple, but be careful this does not become a habit. There are some whom have proven very trustworthy, and have built up a testimony as such. Even then, it is always good to learn and study what is being said, not because we doubt, but because we just verify. This is wisdom, and this individual who is known to be trustworthy would welcome others to invest the time to confirm what is being said.

The second part of this verse is a call to those who are lacking understanding. This is what opens the door for further call in Proverbs 9:5-6.

First is the call to come and eat the bread of wisdom. In the culture, to have bread is to have a basic food. It is the base level and it is true that we are able to survive on bread. The call is to come to the basic level of understanding and feast at the table of understanding.

Second, however, takes us from the basic level of understanding to the richer things of wisdom. Notice, Proverbs 9:5, there is the wine. Wine is not a basic food but was considered a sign of luxury and wealth. The individual who comes to the table of wisdom can begin no matter where they are at in life. We do not have to have everything in place in order to come to the table of wisdom. We just have to come. If we do come at the lowest level, the base level, we can climb to the deeper and richer things of wisdom. If we come with wisdom, then we will be enriched by wisdom itself.

As readers of Proverbs, we are called to seek wisdom. What is fascinating is the response we get from wisdom which comes from God (Psalm 22:26). Then, we turn our focus to the New Testament, and it is interesting Jesus calls Himself the “Bread of Life” (John 6:58). Are we seeing the connection between wisdom and Jesus? All true wisdom goes back to Jesus. All true wisdom can only be found in Jesus.

The third thing wisdom says is to forsake foolishness and live. We will not spend too much time here for we have really covered much that could be added in Proverbs 4:14-15. By forsaking the foolishness of the world, we will find true life. By rejecting this way, we will move into a way of understanding and we have covered this as well (Proverbs 4:11). There is a lot in Proverbs about walking in the right path and walking in the right way.

The call here, in summation, is to all of us to come to wisdom. This wisdom is not restrictive, nor selective of anyone. All are welcomed to come and be fed by wisdom. Dear reader, do not reject this call. Do not run from this truth. Their might be hesitation due to the fear of believing in Jesus. Do not let that hold you back. We should desire to follow truth and wisdom to whatever end it leads, and be willing to accept that as truth.

If we have accepted Jesus, then the call is double. Come to the table of wisdom and learn more about the God who saved us. Learn about your faith. As Brethren, we would also encourage you to put into practice what you learn (Pietism). Wisdom teaches and instructs us in each part of our faith and life and we should desire to become fuller, deeper, perhaps a better word would be “richer” in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.