Now we are turning to Proverbs 10:8. There is a lot of information in this one verse that we will focus only on this one. The main thrust of this context is the contrast between Godliness and wickedness. Notice how this verse flows in keeping with the context of knowing and being in Godliness rather than wickedness.
The first part of Proverbs 10:8 shows us the reception of commands to the wise in heart. There is a difference between being infantile in the heart and being mature. This wise heart is not on the level of childishness when it comes to Spiritual maturity (1 Corinthians 14:20), and as such, there is that wisdom to receive commands.
Before we misunderstand the importance of the heart, we must understand the role the heart plays in the life of mankind. When the Bible talks about the thought and mind of the body, it is the heart, not the head. The heart is the control center of the life. The purpose and reason being what Jesus said in Matthew 15:19-20. It is from the heart that the mind and body is motivated. Someone steals because the heart wants what it wants. Adultery happens because a spouse wants to run around on their spouse. We can go further on this, but the heart is the control center. It is the inner man, the soul, the conscience. Our appetites, emotions, passions, all of it, is derived from the heart. When the heart is affected, and is refusing to learn wisdom, the only place that leads is to unrighteousness, or in our text, wickedness.
That leads us to the point being made. The wise heart will receive commands. We do not really need to delve into the word for commands for we have covered it in such passages as Proverbs 2:1; 3:1; 4:4; 6:20; 6:23; 7:1, etc. Therefore, take all those, and a couple others, again, measure it to other parts of Scripture, especially when we deal with the law, especially the moral law found in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Exodus, and trace that through to the New Testament. These commands are what allow us to be drawn to God in a way that the world, on the outside, cannot.
But we now turn to the word receive. Very strong word which has the idea of taking, to take, to carry, but the stronger meanings can be: To lead, capture, seize, carry off. The word has the idea of forcefully capturing and taking with the individual the commands. It is not a passive word. Being how this is grammatical structure of the word also speaks to this action being open ended, the continual receiving does not end. It carries on into the future indefinitely. If we look at the Greek equivalent of this word, it opens up some interesting concepts for us. It means to take up, take with the hand, to hold, receive, to get, and to learn.
This is the wise heart that receives. It can only lead to wisdom which in turn lads to godliness. But, as with our text, when there is a positive, there is also a negative. The negative shows the way to wickedness.
Notice, in Proverbs 10:8, it starts off by calling the negative a prating fool. This is an individual who, as the word implies, lip, language, and edge. Almost as though someone is “getting lippy”, as the old statement would say. But this brings us back to Matthew 15:19-20. The words that come out of the mouth is what is coming from the heart. As we discussed the mouth shows what is inside.
This prating fool will fall. The one who talks, and is on the edge, who has that lippy, instead of wisdom, will fall. This is not an accidental slip. This is not a slide. The word fall means to be thrown down, to be thrust out, to be cast aside. Different imagery at play, is it not?
To show the depth of the word, it is only used three times, but look at how it is used: Proverbs 10:8 – The prating fool will fall.
Proverbs 10:10 – The prating fool will fall.
And finally,
Hosea 4:14 – Those who do not understand will be trampled.
That last one should cause us to stop and pay attention. To not listen, as God is instructing up to this point, and to carry out as always, is the one who lacks understanding and they will be put under foot. Lacks understanding. This phrase has also been seen several times!
Proverbs 6:32 – Those who commit adultery lack understanding.
Proverbs 9:4, 16 – Those who turn in lacks understanding.
Proverbs 28:16 – a ruler who lacks understanding is an oppressor.
Do we see the lacking of understanding is never presented in a positive light? Why then would one chose to be in this position? Because the demand of receiving commands means the recipient must deny themselves. Mankind does not do that well. Instead, mankind desires to be the god of their own future and have control of their own lives. When the reality of being commanded is hit, that reality of Humanism (being a god of ourselves), is completely withdrawn.
Therefore, O reader, which direction will you take? You as the reader, me as the author, must decide what direction we will go. I pray you and I make the right choice and receive the commands given to us so we can stand in righteousness.