What do we feel about discipline? In several passages through Proverbs, we have several calls to discipline. Most of these are based on the parent, or God, disciplining their children. In our text today, Proverbs 10:13, the perspective is from the one who is receiving the discipline. There are two different positions, and both positions will be viewed.
Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding. We have spent a lot of time looking at wisdom (Proverbs 1:2; 1:7; 3:13; 4:5, and many others), as well as understanding (Proverbs 1:2; 1:5; 2:9; 7:7, and still many others). We therefore, won’t spend too much time on this, other than to say there are some powerful truths regarding these two words.
It is amazing the wisdom that comes from the mouth of those who have understanding. We have talked about how wisdom shows itself in many different ways, and here again, we find this wisdom coming out from the mouth, which is a picture of what comes from the heart (Matthew 15:18). There are many Christians, through both a lifetime of Bible study, and a lifetime of walking in piety. Wisdom that is rooted in this understanding is unassailable. What a glorious gift to those who are around this individual. Not only does wisdom find its roots in understanding, there is also wisdom and understanding given by God. This is evident throughout the Bible: James 1:51 Kings 4:29; Matthew 7:24. There are two other passages that should be read a couple of times and is worth pondering on today:
Proverbs 16:16
Ephesians 1:16-17
These last two passages are powerful and should be desired, prayed for, and looked for. The preciousness of this type of wisdom is also given in Proverbs 20:15 and shows that it is worth more than a multitude of rubies. Interesting the word used is multitude. This is an open ended value. What is multitude for one is either a lot for another or less for others. That means no matter what we put as an evaluation on multitude, wisdom is still worth more. Jesus exemplified this type of wisdom, and His hearers recognize this truth - Luke 4:22.
As we have seen, though, when there is a positive step, there is often a negative position to show a contrast and Proverbs 10:13 is not an exception.
The second part shows contrast in several ways: The first part is sweet and wonderful - the second part is painful and regrettable. The first part benefits all who are around the individual - the second part brings sorrow and smarts from the surrounding individuals. The first part brings advancement and depth - the second part bring a demotion and for many, a hardness of heart to reject change.
These contrasts are seen in this text, and we, as readers, should cringe with the mental image of the individual being beaten with a rod. That is the purpose and point of why these words are used. To break this down, let us look at the word rod. The word means a rod, or staff, branch, club, sceptre, etc. The rod had several uses such as beating cumin (Isaiah 28:27), a weapon (2 Samuel 23:21) , or a shepherds tool (Ezekiel 20:37; Psalm 23:4). Even more, it was used as a way to exact punishment for wrong doing (Exodus 21:20; Proverbs 10:13; Proverbs 13:24, etc.).
Lastly, the rod has both a literal and symbolic examples. In the case of a shepherd, it was a literal tool to use, but God also used rod in a metaphorical way. We find Isaiah 10:15 where God uses Assyria as a tool for His judgment against Israel and their sin. We now have a working understanding of the rod, we can look through the Scripture to understand how this fits with our text.
The one who is devoid of understanding is going to bear the brunt of this tool. Devoid means to be lacking, void, lost, and the Bible talks much about the destruction and sadness of those who do not have wisdom. Where does this bring us through the Scripture? Those who are devoid of understanding and who undergo the rod, the Bible also equates it to the same level of an animal (Proverbs 26:3). It really shows how far down this kind of position is.
Sadly, many who are in this state, are unwilling to change.This change comes from correction, but these people will not be willing to hear rebuke but are destined for the rod (Proverbs 27:22). How far or hard are they to reach with the truth? They are not willing to grow and change, due to the very fact they go back to their foolishness and it will not leave them (Proverbs 27:22).
There is one call for all who are reading this post. It cannot be better stated than Psalm 32:9 and everyone should not require a harness, bit and bridle. A wise and understanding individual is different in they are willing to learn and grow. They will hear and grow in understanding, and from that they will have wisdom.